Synkronice is a European based business with ambitious expansion plans. Synkronice owns Spinglo. The two represent a combination of social media and network marketing.
The concept is to develop a fully-functioning social media site that offers
- Exclusive goods and services to free members
- The ability to collect Spinglo points for joining, inviting others to join, and activity on the site. In other words, the ability to earn trading credits
- The opportunity to redeem those points against goods and services
- A fully customize-able Spinglo site that users can design as they wish relevant to international, national, and local needs
- A site that brings innovative new companies to market
Some of these features are already in place. Some are in development.
Spinglo does not offer members "miracle products", simply well-considered services, some of which have well-established demand
- Coffee. Spinglo have developed a sub-business of Nespresso-type coffee products
- FX trading
- Acai juice
- A fully-compliant share (stock) analysis service that gifts shares to subscribers
- Social dating
- Penny auctions
- Health products
There is a lot more to come.
As this is an MLM, there is a lucrative compensation plan for those who choose to monetize the business by becoming Synkronize business owners.
One aspect of Spinglo that excites me is the fact that the accumulation of Spinglo points is easy and accesible to anyone. Activity is rewarded equally. This means members in poorer countries can become as wealthy in points terms as those of us in the developed world. They will be able to
- Redeem those points against our services
- Eventually be able to trade those points with other members personally
This will create a form of micro-economy, the concept of which I have outlined in previous posts.
It is important to note that, at present, the Spinglo site is still undergoing constant development. However, anyone can sign up for free and start to accumulate points now.